My heart beats only your name…..
For that I cannot blame…
When I close my eyes I see you…
Wherever I move I feel you…
Though your miles apart from me…
My heart always feels your glee..
Wherever I see your name…
My mind goes totally astray..
Whenever I look my hand I feel so sad…
Because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly…
I sit alone aside thinking about the days we spent together..
Where Even the essence of love was found in the weather…
Too cool too frost outside…
I feel your warm from my heart inside…
I remember the old memories and smile…
A tear roll out of my eye…
Silently my heart is missing you….
Day by day getting attracted too..
The only thing I can say you is that…
“I miss you , I love you” so bad…. <3 <3 <3 :)….